Trouble Recovery836. Insert the knotted end of the emergencystarter rope into the notch in the flywheelrotor and wind the rope 1 or 2 turn(s)around the flywheel clockwise.7. Pull the rope slowly until resistance isfelt. Give a strong pull straight out tocrank and start the engine. If the enginedoes not start on the first try, repeat theprocedure.TIP: If the engine does not start on the first try,repeat the procedure. If the engine fails tostart after 4 or 5 tries, open the throttle asmall amount (between 1/8 and 1/4) andtry again. Also if the engine is warm andfails to start, open the throttle a sameamount and try to start the engine again. Ifthe engine still fails to start, see page 39. Slowly return the throttle grip to the fullyclosed position so that the engine does notstall.EMU32003Emergency starting engine (electricstart model)1. Remove the top cowling.2. Remove the dust cover.3. Remove the electrical system cover byremoving its screw(s).4. Remove the screw(s) from the plate,and pull it down.ZMU05533NZMU02026ZMU05610ZMU05611ZMU05612