Maintenance74proper assembly can result in a fuelleak, which could result in a fire or ex-plosion hazard. Dispose of old gasoline according to lo-cal regulations.1. Empty the fuel tank into an approvedcontainer.2. Pour a small amount of suitable solventinto the tank. Install the cap and shakethe tank. Drain the solvent completely.3. Remove the screws holding the fuel jointassembly. Pull the assembly out of thetank.4. Clean the filter (located on the end of thesuction pipe) in a suitable cleaning sol-vent. Allow the filter to dry.5. Replace the gasket with a new one. Re-install the fuel joint assembly and tightenthe screws firmly.EMU29312Inspecting and replacing anode(s)Yamaha outboard motors are protected fromcorrosion by sacrificial anodes. Inspect theexternal anodes periodically. Remove scalesfrom the surfaces of the anodes. Consult aYamaha dealer for replacement of externalanodes.NOTICEECM00720Do not paint anodes, as this would renderthem ineffective.TIP:Inspect ground leads attached to externalanodes on equipped models. Consult aYamaha dealer for inspection and replace-ment of internal anodes attached to the pow-er unit.ZMU02324ZMU05564