Maintenance59right), put it on a cushion after drainingthe engine oil. Do not place the outboard motor on itsside before the cooling water hasdrained from it completely, otherwisewater may enter the cylinder throughthe exhaust port and cause engine trou-ble. Store the outboard motor in a dry, well-ventilated place, not in direct sunlight.EMU28304ProcedureEMU32024Flushing in a test tankNOTICEECM00300Do not run the engine without supplyingit with cooling water. Either the enginewater pump will be damaged or the en-gine will be damaged from overheating.Before starting the engine, be sure tosupply water to the cooling water passag-es.1. Dismount the outboard motor from theboat. For further details, see page 57.2. Wash the outboard motor body usingfresh water. NOTICE: Do not spray wa-ter into the air intake. [ECM01840] For fur-ther information, see page 61.3. Disconnect the fuel line from the out-board motor.4. Remove the engine top cowling and si-lencer cover/cap, if equipped. Removethe propeller. For further details, seepage 71.5. Position the outboard motor on a watertank. For further details, see page 30.6. Fill the tank with fresh water until theanti-cavitation plate is immersed in wa-ter. NOTICE: If the fresh water level isbelow the level of the anti-cavitationplate, or if the water supply is insuffi-cient, engine seizure may occur.[ECM00291]7. Cooling system flushing is essential toprevent the cooling system from clog-ging up with salt, sand, or dirt. In addi-tion, fogging/lubricating of the engine ismandatory to prevent excessive enginedamage due to rust. Perform the flush-ing and fogging at the same time.WARNING! Do not touch or removeelectrical parts when starting or dur-ing operation. Keep hands, hair, andclothes away from the flywheel andother rotating parts while the engineis running. [EWM00091]8. Run the engine at a fast idle for a fewminutes in neutral position.9. Just prior to turning off the engine, quick-ly spray “Fogging Oil” alternately intoeach carburetor or the fogging hole ofthe silencer cover, if equipped. Whenproperly done, the engine will smoke ex-cessively and almost stall.10. Remove the outboard motor from thetest tank.11. Install the silencer cover/cap of fogginghole (if equipped) and top cowling.1. Water surface2. Lowest water levelZMU0205112