Operation50EMU27495Starting engineEWM01601Before starting the engine, make surethat the boat is tightly moored and thatyou can steer clear of any obstructions.Be sure there are no swimmers in the wa-ter near you.EMU27597Electric start / prime start modelsEWM01842 Failure to attach the engine shut-offcord could result in a runaway boat ifoperator is ejected. Attach the engineshut-off cord to a secure place on yourclothing, or your arm or leg while oper-ating. Do not attach the cord to clothingthat could tear loose. Do not route thecord where it could become entangled,preventing it from functioning. Avoid accidentally pulling the cord dur-ing normal operation. Loss of enginepower means the loss of most steeringcontrol. Also, without engine power,the boat could slow rapidly. This couldcause people and objects in the boat tobe thrown forward.(1) Place the gear shift lever in neutral.TIP:The start-in-gear protection device preventsthe engine from starting except when in neu-tral.(2) Attach the engine shut-off cord to a se-cure place on your clothing, or your armor leg. Then install the clip on the otherend of the cord into the engine shut-offswitch.(3) Place the throttle grip in the “ ”(start) position. After the engine starts,return the throttle to the fully closed po-sition.1. Arrow1