Maintenance67the sump, keep the outboard motor inthe attitude shown when transportingand storing it. If storing or transportingthe outboard motor on its side (not up-right), put it on a cushion after drainingthe engine oil. Do not place the outboard motor on itsside before the cooling water hasdrained from it completely, otherwisewater may enter the cylinder throughthe exhaust port and cause engine trou-ble. Store the outboard motor in a dry, well-ventilated place, not in direct sunlight. Drain the remaining gasoline from thevapor separator. Gasoline left in the va-por separator for a prolonged period oftime will break down and could causedamage to the fuel line.EMU28306ProcedureEMU41482Flushing with the flushing attachmentECM02131Do not run the engine without supplyingit with cooling water. Either the enginewater pump will be damaged or the en-gine will be damaged from overheating.Cooling system flushing is essential to pre-vent the cooling system from clogging upwith salt, sand, or dirt. In addition, fogging/lu-bricating of the engine is mandatory to pre-vent excessive engine damage due to rust.Perform the flushing and fogging at the sametime.(1) Wash the outboard motor body usingfresh water. NOTICE: Do not spray wa-ter into the air intake. [ECM01841] For fur-ther information, see page 70.(2) Disconnect the fuel line from the out-board motor.(3) Remove the engine top cowling, fly-wheel cover, and propeller. For furtherdetails, see page 82.(4) Install the flushing attachment over thecooling water inlet. NOTICE: Do not runthe engine without supplying it withcooling water. Either the engine waterpump will be damaged or the enginewill be damaged from overheating.Before starting the engine, be sure tosupply water to the cooling waterpassages. Avoid running the out-board motor at high speed while onthe flushing attachment, otherwiseoverheating could occur. [ECM02001]TIP: A flushing attachment is available fromyour Yamaha dealer. When using the flushing attachment, main-tain adequate water pressure and a steadywater flow.(5) Run the engine at a fast idle for a fewminutes in neutral position. WARNING!Do not touch or remove electricalparts when starting or during opera-tion. Keep hands, hair, and clothesaway from the flywheel and other ro-1. Flushing attachment1