IMPORTANT INFORMATION1-9EAS20230BEARINGS AND OIL SEALSInstall bearings “1” and oil seals “2” so that themanufacturer’s marks or numbers are visible.When installing oil seals, lubricate the oil seallips with a light coat of lithium-soap-basedgrease. Oil bearings liberally when installing, ifappropriate.CAUTION:ECA13300Do not spin the bearing with compressedair because this will damage the bearingsurfaces.EAS20240CIRCLIPSBefore reassembly, check all circlips carefullyand replace damaged or distorted circlips.Always replace piston pin clips after one use.When installing a circlip “1”, make sure thesharp-edged corner “2” is positioned oppositethe thrust “3” that the circlip receives.