INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS4-13123456789101112and coolant warning light, comes onwhen the engine oil pressure is low.When the key is first turned to ON, en-gine oil pressure has yet to build, so thisicon will come on and stay on until theengine has been started.NOTICEECA21210If the warning light comes on whenthe engine is running, stop the en-gine immediately and check oil level.If the oil level is below the minimumlevel, add sufficient oil of the recom-mended type to raise it up to the cor-rect level. If the oil pressure warninglight remains on even if the oil levelis correct, immediately turn the en-gine off and have a Yamaha dealercheck the vehicle.Coolant temperature warning “ ”This icon comes on if the coolant tem-perature reaches 117 C (242 F) orhigher. Stop the vehicle and turn off theengine. Allow the engine to cool.NOTICEECA10022Do not continue to operate the en-gine if it is overheating.Error mode “Err”When an error is detected, the top por-tion of the main screen will switch to er-ror mode. The following error-relatedwarning icons and error codes will thenbe viewable. SCU trouble warning icon SCU error code Engine trouble warning icon ECU error codeSCU trouble warning “ ”(YZF-R1M)The SCU trouble warning icon appearsif a problem is detected by the suspen-sion control unit and an SCU error codewill be shown. Note the number andhave a Yamaha dealer check the vehi-cle.Engine trouble warning “ ”The engine trouble warning icon ap-pears if a problem is detected by theengine control unit and an ECU errorcode will be shown. Note the numberand have a Yamaha dealer check thevehicle.TIPIf the display indicates error code 52, orif you have trouble starting the enginewith a standard key, this could becaused by transponder interference. Ifthis occurs, try the following.1. Make sure there are no other im-mobilizer keys, or other deviceswhich transmit electrical signals,close to the main switch.2. Use the code re-registering key tostart the engine.1. SCU trouble warning “ ”2. SCU error code3. Engine trouble warning “ ”4. ECU error code5. Error mode warning “Err”1000 r/min90 90 E r r41 2 3 13 ページ 2015年1月5日 月曜日 午前11時54分