PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT7-21123456789101112high speeds. Brand-new tires can have a rela-tively poor grip on certain roadsurfaces until they have been“broken in”. Therefore, it is ad-visable before doing anyhigh-speed riding to ride con-servatively for approximately100 km (60 mi) after installing anew tire. The tires must be warmed upbefore a high-speed run. Always adjust the tire air pres-sure according to the operatingconditions.EAU66460Cast magnesium wheelsTo maximize the performance, durabil-ity, and safe operation of your motorcy-cle, note the following points regardingthese wheels. The wheel rims should be checkedfor cracks, bends, warpage ordamage before each ride. If anydamage is found, have a Yamahadealer replace the wheel. Do notattempt even the smallest repair tothe wheel. A deformed or crackedwheel must be replaced. The wheel should be balancedwhenever the tire or wheel hasbeen changed or replaced. An un-balanced wheel can result in poorperformance, adverse handlingcharacteristics, and shortened tirelife.These wheels are made of magnesiumand require special care. When balancing the wheel, usepress-on type weights to avoidscratching the wheel. Regularly inspect the wheel fornicks and scratches. Use touch-uppaint or other sealant to preventcorrosion. Follow the instructions for cleaningprovided on page 21 ページ 2015年1月5日 月曜日 午前11時54分