71EnglishINTRODUCTION PREPARATIONBASIC OPERA-TIONADVANCEDOPERATIONADDITIONALINFORMATION APPENDIXSOUND FIELD PROGRAM PARAMETER EDITINGWhat is a sound field?What really creates the rich, full tones of a live instrumentare the multiple reflections from the walls of the room. Inaddition to making the sound “live”, these reflectionsenable us to tell where the player is situated, and the sizeand shape of the room in which we are sitting. Elements of a sound fieldIn any environment, in addition to the direct soundcoming straight to our ears from the player’s instrument,there are two distinct types of sound reflections thatcombine to make up the sound field:Early reflectionsReflected sounds reach our ears extremely rapidly(50 ms – 100 ms after the direct sound), after reflectingfrom one surface only — for example, from the ceiling ora wall. These reflections fall into specific patterns asshown in the diagram on page 73 for any particularenvironment, and provide vital information to our ears.Early reflections actually add clarity to the direct sound.ReverberationsThese are caused by reflections from more than onesurface — walls, ceiling, the back of the room — sonumerous that they merge together to form a continuoussonic “afterglow”. They are non-directional, and lessenthe clarity of the direct sound.Direct sound, early reflections and subsequentreverberation taken together help us to determine thesubjective size and shape of the room, and it is thisinformation that the digital sound field processorreproduces in order to create sound fields.If you could create the appropriate early reflections andsubsequent reverberations in your listening room, youwould be able to create your own listening environment.The acoustics in your room could be changed to those ofa concert hall, a dance floor, or virtually any size room atall. This ability to create sound fields at will is exactlywhat YAMAHA has done with the digital sound fieldprocessor.Sound Field Program ParametersDSP programs consist of some parameters to determinethe apparent room size, reverberation time, distance fromyou to the performer, etc. In each program, theseparameters are set with values precisely calculated byYAMAHA to create a sound field unique to the program.It is recommended to use DSP programs withoutchanging the values of parameters; however, this unit alsoallows you to create your own sound fields. Starting withone of the built-in programs, you can adjust thoseparameters.Each DSP program has a set of parameters that allow youto change the characteristics of the acoustic environmentto precisely create the effect you want. These parameterscorrespond to the many natural acoustic factors that createthe sound field you experience in an actual concert hall orother listening environment. The size of the room, forexample, affects the length of time between the earlyreflections. The “ROOM SIZE” parameter provided inmany of the DSP programs alters the timing betweenthese reflections, thus changing the shape of the “room”you are listening. In addition to room size, the shape ofthe room and the characteristics of its surfaces have asignificant effect on the final sound. Surfaces that absorbsound, for example, cause the reflections andreverberations to die out more quickly, while highlyreflective surfaces allow the reflections to carry on for alonger period of time. The digital sound field parametersallow you to control these and many other factors thatcontribute to your personal sound field, allowing you toessentially “redesign” the concert halls, theaters, etc.provided to create custom-tailored listening environmentsthat ideally match your mood and music.See “Digital Sound Field Parameter Descriptions” onpages 73 to 76.