Inverting analog inputs “E1” / “E2”After programming the signal or sensor type, an inversion of the inputs can be carried out.IO Setup Factory setting for Inverting inputs = “OFF” (if input activated) (signal: 0 - 10 V, 0 -20 mA, 4 - 20 mA).For activation using inverted default signals or sensors with inverted output signalsproportional to the measurement range, switch inverting to “ON” (Signal: 10 - 0 V, 20 -0 mA, 20 - 4 mA).OFFE1 InvertingIO SetupOFFE2 InvertingExample: mode speed controller, setting by external signalnM50 %100 %Si0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2020 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 04 5,6 7,2 8,8 10,4 12 13,6 15,2 16,8 18,4 2020 18,4 16,8 15,2 13,6 12 10,4 8,8 7,2 5,6 40 – 10 V10 – 0 V0 – 20 mA20 – 0 mA4 – 20 mA20 – 4 mAMin.Min. 0 % Max. = 100 %Min. 35 % Max. = 85 %11.05.2007v_invertierung_anlaog_eingaenge.vsdOFFOFFONOFFONONnM Motor speedSi SignalOFF Inverting = OFFON Inverting = ON9.10.3.3 “E1” / “E2” Bus modeAfter programming the signal or sensor type, the raw value (0-32767) of an analog sensor input canbe written in a Holding Register (h9000 for E1 and h9001 for E2) with the bus mode activated.The connection is made at the MODBUS RTU Slave interface. Connecting terminals: A (D+), B (D-).IO Setup The bus mode of the inputs is set to “OFF” at the factory.With activated bus mode, the raw values can be written accordingly into the HoldingRegisters, addresses h9000 and h9001 for “E1” and “E2”.OFFE1 BusmodeIO SetupOFFE2 BusmodeOperating Instructions Fcontrol – model series FXDM25/32AM ProgrammingL-BAL-E212-GB 1451 Index 003 Part.-No.80/123