2. control signal(8A)Controlled 0 - 10 V output for control circuit 2 (factory setting for “A1” at operationwith second control circuit).A second control circuit can be activated if required by programming the E2 function( Base Setup E2 functions 8E - 13E and second control circuit)Output frequency(9A)Proportional to the output frequencyGroup1(10A)Group control ( Controller Setup - group 1)Group3(12A)Group control ( Controller Setup - group 3)Group4(13A)Group control ( Controller Setup - group 4)Offset control sig. 1(14A)Offset control signal 1Setting offset Controller SetupA1 Function “A min.” and “A max.”AnalogOut5 V10 VFunktion0 50 100 0 -100 %A max: 10 – 5VA min: 0 – 5V16.03.2007v_a1_funktion_amin_amax.vsdA1 Function | 3A| / | 4A|5 V10 VSignal0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1010 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 00 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2020 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 04 5,6 7,2 8,8 10,4 12 13,6 15,2 16,8 18,4 2020 18,4 16,8 15,2 13,6 12 10,4 8,8 7,2 5,6 40 – 10 V10 – 0 V0 – 20 mA20 – 0 mA4 – 20 mA20 – 4 mA-27 -16.8 -6.6 3.6 13.8 24 34,2 44.4 54.6 64.8 +75 TF.. (KTY) 16.03.2007v_a1_funktion_3a_4a.vsd9.6.2 Digital inputs “D1” / “D2” Menu overviewIO SetupThe digital inputs Digital In 1 (D1) and Digital In 2 (D2) can be allocated with variousfunctions.Possible functions for D1 following table.1DD1 FunctionIO SetupTo invert the function, switch to “ON” (display | - - - -| as long as no function is allocatedfor “D1”).OFFD1 InvertingIO Setup With networking the digital inputs can be replaced by control over bus.If bus mode is at |ON|, the digital input can be set by coil register c0 for “D1”.OND1 BusmodeIO SetupPossible functions for “D2” following table.OFFD2 FunctionOperating Instructions Fcontrol – model series FKDM25/32AM-C ProgrammingL-BAL-E214-GB 1446 Index 002 Part.-No.47/99