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Nomadix AG 5000 manuals

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AG 5000

Brand: Nomadix | Category: Gateway
Table of contents
  1. product information
  2. Table Of Contents
  3. Table Of Contents
  4. Table Of Contents
  5. Table Of Contents
  6. Table Of Contents
  7. Table Of Contents
  8. Introduction
  9. Welcome to the AG 5000
  10. Key Features and Benefits
  11. Transparent Connectivity
  12. Access Control and Authentication
  13. NSE Core Functionality
  14. Access Control
  15. Bridge Mode
  16. External Web Server Mode
  17. iNAT
  18. Information and Control Console
  19. International Language Support
  20. MAC Filtering
  21. Port Mapping
  22. RADIUS Proxy
  23. Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
  24. Secure XML API
  25. SNMP Nomadix Private MIB
  26. Walled Garden
  27. Optional NSE Modules
  28. Credit Card Module
  29. Optional Standalone Applications
  30. Network Architecture (Sample)
  31. Product Specifications
  32. Online Help (WebHelp)
  33. Chapter 1: Installing the AG 5000
  34. Unpacking the AG 5000
  35. Installation Workflow
  36. Powering Up the System
  37. Logging In to the Command Line Interface
  38. The Management Interfaces (CLI and Web)
  39. Menu Organization (Web Management Interface)
  40. Inputting Data – Maximum Character Lengths
  41. Online Documentation and Help
  42. Establishing the Start Up Configuration
  43. Assigning Login User Names and Passwords
  44. Setting the SNMP Parameters (optional)
  45. Enabling the Logging Options (recommended)
  46. Assigning the Location Information and IP Addresses
  47. Logging Out and Powering Down the System
  48. Connecting the AG 5000 to the Customer's Network
  49. Establishing the Basic Configuration for Subscribers
  50. Setting the DNS Options
  51. Archiving Your Configuration Settings
  52. Installing the Nomadix Private MIB
  53. Chapter 2: System Administration
  54. Using the Web Management Interface (WMI)
  55. Using a Telnet Client
  56. Configuration Menu
  57. Establishing Secure Administration {Access Control}
  58. Defining Automatic Configuration Settings {Auto Configuration}
  59. Setting Up Bandwidth Management {Bandwidth Management}
  60. Establishing Billing Records "Mirroring" {Bill Record Mirroring}
  61. Managing the DHCP Service Options {DHCP}
  62. Managing the DNS Options {DNS}
  63. Setting the Home Page Redirection Options {Home Page Redirect}
  64. Enabling Intelligent Address Translation (iNAT)
  65. Establishing Your Location {Location}
  66. Managing the System and Billing Log Options {Logging}
  67. Enabling the Meeting Room Scheduler {Meeting Room Scheduler}
  68. Assigning Passthrough Addresses (Passthrough Addresses)
  69. Assigning a PMS Service {PMS}
  70. Setting Up Port Locations {Port-Location}
  71. Defining the RADIUS Client Settings {RADIUS Client}
  72. Defining the RADIUS Proxy Settings {RADIUS Proxy}
  73. Defining the RADIUS Routing Settings {RADIUS Routing}
  74. Managing SMTP Redirection {SMTP}
  75. Managing the SNMP Communities {SNMP}
  76. Enabling Dynamic Multiple Subnet Support (Subnets)
  77. Displaying Your Configuration Settings {Summary}
  78. Setting the System Date and Time {Time}
  79. Setting Up URL Filtering {URL Filtering}
  80. Enabling Secure Management {VPN Tunnel}
  81. Network Info Menu
  82. Displaying the Host Table {Hosts}
  83. Displaying the Network Interfaces {Interfaces}
  84. Displaying the IP Statistics {IP}
  85. Displaying the Routing Tables {Routing}
  86. Displaying the Active IP Connections {Sockets}
  87. Displaying TCP Statistics {TCP}
  88. Displaying UDP Statistics {UDP}
  89. Port-Location Menu
  90. Deleting All Port-Location Assignments {Delete All}
  91. Deleting Port-Location Assignments by Port {Delete by Port}
  92. Exporting Port-Location Assignments {Export}
  93. Finding Port-Location Assignments by Description {Find by Description}
  94. Finding Port-Location Assignments by Location {Find by Location}
  95. Finding Port-Location Assignments by Port {Find by Port}
  96. Importing Port-Location Assignments {Import}
  97. Displaying the Port-Location Mappings {List}
  98. Subscriber Administration Menu
  99. Displaying Current Subscriber Connections {Current}
  100. Deleting Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {Delete by MAC}
  101. Deleting Subscriber Profiles by User Name {Delete by User}
  102. Displaying the Currently Allocated DHCP Leases {DHCP Leases}
  103. Finding Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {Find by MAC}
  104. Finding Subscriber Profiles by User Name {Find by User}
  105. Listing Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {List by MAC}
  106. Listing Subscriber Profiles by User Name {List by User}
  107. Displaying Current Profiles and Connections {Statistics}
  108. Subscriber Interface Menu
  109. Setting Up the Information and Control Console {ICC Setup}
  110. Defining Languages {Language Support}
  111. Defining the Subscriber's Login UI {Login UI}
  112. Defining the Post Session User Interface (Post Session UI)
  113. Defining Subscriber UI Labels {Subscriber Labels}
  114. Defining Subscriber Error Messages {Subscriber Errors}
  115. Defining Subscriber Messages {Subscriber Messages}
  116. System Menu
  117. Deleting an ARP Table Entry {ARP Delete}
  118. Enabling the Bridge Mode Option {Bridge Mode}
  119. Exporting Configuration Settings to the Archive File {Export}
  120. Importing the Factory Defaults {Factory}
  121. Defining the Fail Over Options {Fail Over}
  122. Viewing the History Log {History}
  123. Establishing ICMP Blocking Parameters {ICMP}
  124. Importing Configuration Settings from the Archive File {Import}
  125. Establishing Login Access Levels {Login}
  126. Defining the MAC Filtering Options {Mac Filtering}
  127. Rebooting the System {Reboot}
  128. Adding a Route {Route Add}
  129. Deleting a Route {Route Delete}
  130. Establishing Session Rate Limiting {Session Limit}
  131. Adding Static Ports {Static Port-Mapping Add}
  132. Deleting Static Ports {Static Port-Mapping Delete}
  133. Blocking a Subscriber Interface {Subscriber Interfaces}
  134. Chapter 3: The Subscriber Interface
  135. Authorization and Billing
  136. The AAA Structure
  137. Process Flow (AAA)
  138. Internal and External Web Servers
  139. Subscriber Management Models
  140. Configuring the Subscriber Management Models
  141. Information and Control Console (ICC)
  142. Logout Console
  143. Chapter 4: Quick Reference Guide
  144. Configuration Menu Items
  145. Network Info Menu Items
  146. Port-Location Menu Items
  147. Subscriber Administration Menu Items
  148. Subscriber Interface Menu Items
  149. System Menu Items
  150. Alphabetical Listing of Menu Items (WMI)
  151. Default (Factory) Configuration Settings
  152. Sample AAA Log
  153. Sample SYSLOG Report
  154. Keyboard Shortcuts
  155. RADIUS Attributes
  156. Authentication-Request
  157. Accounting-Request
  158. Selected Detailed Descriptions
  159. Nomadix Vendor Specific Attributes
  160. Setting Up the SSL Feature
  161. Obtain a Private Key File (cakey.pem)
  162. Private Key Generation
  163. Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) File
  164. Create a Public Key File (server.pem)
  165. Setting Up AG 5000 for SSL Secure Login
  166. Setting Up the Portal
  167. Sending Billing Records
  168. Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
  169. Management Interface Error Messages
  170. Common Problems
  171. Contact Information
  172. Glossary of Terms
  173. Index
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