Nomadix AG 5000 manuals
AG 5000
Table of contents
- product information
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Table Of Contents
- Introduction
- Welcome to the AG 5000
- Key Features and Benefits
- Transparent Connectivity
- Access Control and Authentication
- NSE Core Functionality
- Access Control
- Bridge Mode
- External Web Server Mode
- iNAT
- Information and Control Console
- International Language Support
- MAC Filtering
- Port Mapping
- RADIUS Proxy
- Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
- Secure XML API
- SNMP Nomadix Private MIB
- Walled Garden
- Optional NSE Modules
- Credit Card Module
- Optional Standalone Applications
- Network Architecture (Sample)
- Product Specifications
- Online Help (WebHelp)
- Chapter 1: Installing the AG 5000
- Unpacking the AG 5000
- Installation Workflow
- Powering Up the System
- Logging In to the Command Line Interface
- The Management Interfaces (CLI and Web)
- Menu Organization (Web Management Interface)
- Inputting Data – Maximum Character Lengths
- Online Documentation and Help
- Establishing the Start Up Configuration
- Assigning Login User Names and Passwords
- Setting the SNMP Parameters (optional)
- Enabling the Logging Options (recommended)
- Assigning the Location Information and IP Addresses
- Logging Out and Powering Down the System
- Connecting the AG 5000 to the Customer's Network
- Establishing the Basic Configuration for Subscribers
- Setting the DNS Options
- Archiving Your Configuration Settings
- Installing the Nomadix Private MIB
- Chapter 2: System Administration
- Using the Web Management Interface (WMI)
- Using a Telnet Client
- Configuration Menu
- Establishing Secure Administration {Access Control}
- Defining Automatic Configuration Settings {Auto Configuration}
- Setting Up Bandwidth Management {Bandwidth Management}
- Establishing Billing Records "Mirroring" {Bill Record Mirroring}
- Managing the DHCP Service Options {DHCP}
- Managing the DNS Options {DNS}
- Setting the Home Page Redirection Options {Home Page Redirect}
- Enabling Intelligent Address Translation (iNAT)
- Establishing Your Location {Location}
- Managing the System and Billing Log Options {Logging}
- Enabling the Meeting Room Scheduler {Meeting Room Scheduler}
- Assigning Passthrough Addresses (Passthrough Addresses)
- Assigning a PMS Service {PMS}
- Setting Up Port Locations {Port-Location}
- Defining the RADIUS Client Settings {RADIUS Client}
- Defining the RADIUS Proxy Settings {RADIUS Proxy}
- Defining the RADIUS Routing Settings {RADIUS Routing}
- Managing SMTP Redirection {SMTP}
- Managing the SNMP Communities {SNMP}
- Enabling Dynamic Multiple Subnet Support (Subnets)
- Displaying Your Configuration Settings {Summary}
- Setting the System Date and Time {Time}
- Setting Up URL Filtering {URL Filtering}
- Enabling Secure Management {VPN Tunnel}
- Network Info Menu
- Displaying the Host Table {Hosts}
- Displaying the Network Interfaces {Interfaces}
- Displaying the IP Statistics {IP}
- Displaying the Routing Tables {Routing}
- Displaying the Active IP Connections {Sockets}
- Displaying TCP Statistics {TCP}
- Displaying UDP Statistics {UDP}
- Port-Location Menu
- Deleting All Port-Location Assignments {Delete All}
- Deleting Port-Location Assignments by Port {Delete by Port}
- Exporting Port-Location Assignments {Export}
- Finding Port-Location Assignments by Description {Find by Description}
- Finding Port-Location Assignments by Location {Find by Location}
- Finding Port-Location Assignments by Port {Find by Port}
- Importing Port-Location Assignments {Import}
- Displaying the Port-Location Mappings {List}
- Subscriber Administration Menu
- Displaying Current Subscriber Connections {Current}
- Deleting Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {Delete by MAC}
- Deleting Subscriber Profiles by User Name {Delete by User}
- Displaying the Currently Allocated DHCP Leases {DHCP Leases}
- Finding Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {Find by MAC}
- Finding Subscriber Profiles by User Name {Find by User}
- Listing Subscriber Profiles by MAC Address {List by MAC}
- Listing Subscriber Profiles by User Name {List by User}
- Displaying Current Profiles and Connections {Statistics}
- Subscriber Interface Menu
- Setting Up the Information and Control Console {ICC Setup}
- Defining Languages {Language Support}
- Defining the Subscriber's Login UI {Login UI}
- Defining the Post Session User Interface (Post Session UI)
- Defining Subscriber UI Labels {Subscriber Labels}
- Defining Subscriber Error Messages {Subscriber Errors}
- Defining Subscriber Messages {Subscriber Messages}
- System Menu
- Deleting an ARP Table Entry {ARP Delete}
- Enabling the Bridge Mode Option {Bridge Mode}
- Exporting Configuration Settings to the Archive File {Export}
- Importing the Factory Defaults {Factory}
- Defining the Fail Over Options {Fail Over}
- Viewing the History Log {History}
- Establishing ICMP Blocking Parameters {ICMP}
- Importing Configuration Settings from the Archive File {Import}
- Establishing Login Access Levels {Login}
- Defining the MAC Filtering Options {Mac Filtering}
- Rebooting the System {Reboot}
- Adding a Route {Route Add}
- Deleting a Route {Route Delete}
- Establishing Session Rate Limiting {Session Limit}
- Adding Static Ports {Static Port-Mapping Add}
- Deleting Static Ports {Static Port-Mapping Delete}
- Blocking a Subscriber Interface {Subscriber Interfaces}
- Chapter 3: The Subscriber Interface
- Authorization and Billing
- The AAA Structure
- Process Flow (AAA)
- Internal and External Web Servers
- Subscriber Management Models
- Configuring the Subscriber Management Models
- Information and Control Console (ICC)
- Logout Console
- Chapter 4: Quick Reference Guide
- Configuration Menu Items
- Network Info Menu Items
- Port-Location Menu Items
- Subscriber Administration Menu Items
- Subscriber Interface Menu Items
- System Menu Items
- Alphabetical Listing of Menu Items (WMI)
- Default (Factory) Configuration Settings
- Sample AAA Log
- Sample SYSLOG Report
- Keyboard Shortcuts
- RADIUS Attributes
- Authentication-Request
- Accounting-Request
- Selected Detailed Descriptions
- Nomadix Vendor Specific Attributes
- Setting Up the SSL Feature
- Obtain a Private Key File (cakey.pem)
- Private Key Generation
- Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) File
- Create a Public Key File (server.pem)
- Setting Up AG 5000 for SSL Secure Login
- Setting Up the Portal
- Sending Billing Records
- Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
- Management Interface Error Messages
- Common Problems
- Contact Information
- Glossary of Terms
- Index
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