C ONTENTSA BOUT THIS G UIDEHow to Use This Guide 9Conventions 10Documentation 11Comments on the Documentation 111 G ETTING S TARTEDSetting Up Your Password and Voice Mail for the First Time 13The NBX NetSet Utility 15Starting the NBX NetSet Utility 16Navigation and Shortcut Icons in the NBX NetSet Utility 16Quick Reference Guides 172 3C OM 3106C AND 3107C C ORDLESS TELEPHONESTelephone Buttons and Controls 203Com 3106C 203Com 3107C 23Programmable Access Buttons 25Status Lights for System Appearance Buttons 26Base Unit Controls and Functions 27Using the Handset 27Handset Controls 28Using the Handset 29Using the Optional Headset 313 NBX MESSAGINGNBX Messaging Components 34Important Considerations 34Changing Your Password 35Security Tips 35C ONTENTS