76 CHAPTER 5: P ERSONALIZING YOUR T ELEPHONEYour telephone is now locked. The display panel shows the Lockedmessage.5 To turn off this feature, repeat the above steps.The Locked messagedisappears.Additional Notes■ When Telephone Locking is activated, a person using your telephonecan dial only toll-free calls, calls to emergency services (such as 911 inthe United States), or calls to telephone numbers that have beenprogrammed in your system as “internal” calls.■ Even when Telephone Locking is active on your telephone, youroff-site notification choices remain in effect. That is, notification ofvoice mail messages is sent to the outside telephone numbers orpaging numbers that you have specified in NBX NetSet >NBX Messaging > Off-Site Notification, even if these numbers arenot toll-free.■ To view your current Telephone Lock setting, log in to NBX NetSet >User Information > Feature Settings.Call Permissions Your administrator establishes Call Permissions to control the types ofcalls that can be dialed from your telephone. The administrator canconfigure these permissions to change depending on the time of day. Forexample, your administrator can prevent long-distance calls from beingdialed from your telephone outside of business hours. To view yourcurrent call permissions, log in to NBX NetSet > User Information >Call Permissions.Class of ServiceOverrideThe Class of Service Override feature allows you to apply the featuresof your own 3Com Telephone temporarily to another 3Com Telephoneon the same local network.Example:■ The telephone in your organization’s conference room is configured sothat long-distance telephone calls cannot be dialed from it. You may,however, need to place a long-distance call during a meeting. Usingthe Class of Service Override feature, you can apply the features ofyour own telephone to the conference room telephone for one callonly and dial the call, assuming that your Call Permissions allow youto make long-distance calls from your own telephone.