Global Address Pool-Based DHCP Server Configuration 131You can configure domain names to be used by DHCP clients for address pools. Afteryou do this, the DHCP server provides the domain names to the DHCP clients as wellwhile the former assigns IP addresses to the DHCP clients.Configuring NetBIOSServices for DHCPClientsFor Microsoft Windows-based DHCP clients that communicate through NetBIOSprotocol, the host name-to-IP address translation is carried out by WINS (Windowsinternet naming service) servers. So you need to perform WINS-related configurationfor most Windows-based hosts. Currently, you can configure up to eight NetBIOSaddresses for a DHCP address pool.Host name-to-IP address mappings are needed for DHCP clients communicatingthrough NetBIOS protocol. According to the way to establish the mapping, NetBIOSnodes fall into the following four categories:■ B-node. Nodes of this type establish their mappings through broadcasting. (Thecharacter b stands for the word broadcast.)■ P-node. Nodes of this type establish their mappings by communicating withNetBIOS servers. (The character p stands for peer-to-peer.)■ M-node. Nodes of this type are p-nodes mixed with broadcasting features. (Thecharacter m stands for the word mixed.)■ H-node. Nodes of this type are b-nodes mixed with peer-to-peer features. (Thecharacter h stands for the word hybrid.)Table 115 Configure DNS services for DHCP clientsOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Create a DHCP addresspool and enter DHCPaddress pool viewdhcp serverip-poolpool-nameRequiredBy default, no global DHCP address pool iscreated.Configure a domain namefor DHCP clientsdomain-namedomain-nameRequiredBy default, no domain name is configured forDHCP clients.Configure DNS serveraddresses for DHCP clientsdns-listip-address&<1-8>RequiredBy default, no DNS server address is configured.Table 116 Configure NetBIOS services for DHCP clientsOperation Command DescriptionEnter system view system-view -Create a DHCP addresspool and enter DHCPaddress pool viewdhcp server ip-poolpool-nameRequiredBy default, no global DHCP address pool iscreated.Configure NetBIOSserver addresses forDHCP clientsnbns-listip-address&<1-8>RequiredBy default, no NetBIOS server address isconfigured.Configure DHCP clientsto be of a specificNetBIOS node typenetbios-type { b-node| h-node | m-node |p-node }OptionalBy default, a DHCP client is an h-node.