ABOUT T HIS G UIDEThis guide provides information about configuring your network using thecommands supported on the 3Com ® Switch 5500 Family.The descriptions in this guide apply to the Switch 5500-SI and Switch 5500-EI.Differences between the models are noted in the text.Organization of theManualThe Switch 5500 Family Configuration Guide consists of the following chapters:■ Getting Started—Details the main features and configurations of the Switch5500.■ Address Management—Details how to configure the switch on which theAddress Manage (AM) feature is enabled.■ Port Operation—Details how to configure Ethernet port and link aggregation.■ XRN Fabric—Details how to configure an XRN fabric.■ DLDP—Drtails overview and fundamentals for Device Link Detection Protocol.■ VLAN Operation—Details how to configure VLANs.■ GVRP Configuration—Details GARP VLAN Registration Protocolconfiguration.■ VLAN-VPN—Details configuration information to create VLAN-VPNs.■ DHCP—Details Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol.■ Reliability—Details Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP).■ MSTP—Details Multiple spanning tree protocol.■ Centralized MAC address authentication—Details Centralized MACaddress authentication configuration.■ SSH—Details Secure Shell authentication.■ IP Routing Protocol Operation—Details how to configure routing protocols.■ Network Protocol Operation—Details how to configure network protocols.■ Multicast Protocol—Details how to configure multicast protocols.■ ACL Configuration—Details how to configure QoS/ACL.■ QoS—Detais Quality of Service■ RSTP Configuration—Details how to configure RSTP.■ 802.1x Configuration—Details how to configure 802.1x.■ File System Management—Details how to configure file systemmanagement.■ Port Tracking—Details Port Tracking Configuration.