SSH Terminal Services 509Defining SSH Authentication Retry ValueSetting SSH authentication retry value can effectively prevent malicious registrationattempt.Perform the following configurations in System View.Table 582 Defining SSH Authentication Retry ValueBy default, the retry value is 3.Entering Public Key Edit View and Editing Public KeyYou can enter the public key edit view and edit the client public key.This operation is only available for the SSH users using RSA authentication. At theSwitch, you configure the RSA public key of the client, while at the client, you specifythe RSA private key which corresponds to the RSA public key.This operation will fail if you configure password authentication for the SSH user.Perform the following configurations in System View.Table 583 Configuring Public KeyWhen entering the public key edit view with the rsa peer-public-key command,you can begin editing the public key with the public-key-code begin command.You can key in a blank space between characters, since the system can remove theblank space automatically. But the public key should be composed of hexadecimalcharacters. Terminate public key editing and save the result with thepublic-key-code end command. Validity check comes before saving: the public keyediting fails if the key contains invalid characters.Perform the following configurations in the Public Key View.Figure 134 Starting/Terminating Public Key EditingAssociating Public Key with SSH UserPlease perform the following configurations in System View.Figure 135 Associating Public Key with SSH UserOperation CommandDefine SSH authentication retry value ssh server authentication-retries timesRestore the default retry value undo ssh server authentication-retriesOperation CommandEnter public key view rsa peer-public-key key-nameDelete a designated public key undo rsa peer-public-key key-nameOperation CommandEnter public key edit view public-key-code beginTerminate public key edit view public-key-code endQuit public key view peer-public-key endOperation CommandAssociate existing public with an SSHuserssh user username assign rsa-key keynameRemove the association undo ssh user username assign rsa-key