606 CHAPTER 32: CLUSTERINGEnabling the Cluster FunctionConfiguring ClusterParametersConfiguring cluster parameters manuallyConfigure the time thatcollected devices waitbefore forwarding thetopology-collectionrequestntdp timer hop-delay time OptionalArgument time is the delay time.Configure the time that aport waits before itforwards the topologyrequest packet to the nextportntdp timer port-delay time OptionalArgument time is the delay time.Configure the interval ofperiodic topologyinformation collectionntdp timerinterval-in-minutesOptionalArgument interval-in-minutes is theneeded time.Exit system view. quit —Start topology informationcollectionntdp explore OptionalTable 660 Enable the cluster function on a switchOperation Command RemarkEnter system view system-view —Enable the cluster functionon a switchcluster enable RequiredTable 659 Configure NTDP parameters (continued)Operation Command RemarkTable 661 Configure cluster parameters manuallyOperation Command RemarkEnter system view system-view —Specify themanagement VLANmanagement-vlan vlan-id This is to specify the managementVLAN on the switchEnter cluster view cluster —Configure an IPaddress range forcluster membersip-pool administrator-ip-address{ ip-mask | ip-mask-length }OptionalConfigure a clusterwith the currentswitch as themanagement devicebuild name OptionalArgument name is the cluster name.Configure a multicastMAC address for theclustercluster-mac H-H-H OptionalThis is to set a multicast MAC addressfor the cluster.Set the interval for themanagement deviceto send multicastpacketscluster-mac syn-intervaltime-intervalOptionalArgument time-interval is themulticast packet interval.Configure the validholdtime for a switchholdtime seconds OptionalArgument seconds is the validholdtime, which is 60 seconds bydefault.Set the interval ofhandshake packetstimer interval OptionalArgument interval is the handshakepacket interval, which is 10 secondsby default.