Configuration Example 529Figure 154 The fifth stepConfiguration on theswitch1 Enable 802.1x. system-view[S5500] dot1x[S5500] dot1x interface ethernet 1/0/12 Configure the IP address information for the RADIUS server.[S5500] radius scheme radius1[S5500-radius-radius1] primary authentication 1645[S5500-radius-radius1] primary accounting 16463 Set the encryption passwords for the switch to exchange packets with theauthentication RADIUS servers and accounting RADIUS servers.[S5500-radius-radius1] key authentication aaaa[S5500-radius-radius1] key accounting aaaa4 Order the switch to delete the user domain name from the user name and then sendthe user name to the RADIUS sever.[S5500-radius-radius1] user-name-format without-domain[S5500-radius-radius1] quit5 Create the user domain and specify radius1 as your RADIUS server group.[S5500] domain[] radius-scheme radius1[] quit6 Define the ACL rules[S5500] acl number 3000[S5500-acl-adv-3000] rule 0 deny ip destination[S5500-acl-adv-3000] quit7 After the above configuration, you can use the display commands to show the ACL isapplied dynamically.[S5500] display connection------------------------Unit 1------------------------Index=28 ,Username=test@test163.netMAC=000a-eb7e-d28e ,IP=