472 CHAPTER 22: F ILE SYSTEM MANAGEMENT1 Sending the information to loghost.Table 523 Sending the Information to Loghost2 Sending the information to the control terminal.Table 524 Sending the Information to the Control Terminal.Device Configuration Default Value Configuration DescriptionSwitch Enable info-center By default, info-centeris enabled.Other configurations are valid only ifthe info-center is enabled.Set the informationoutput direction tologhost- The configuration about the loghost onthe Switch and that on loghost must bethe same; otherwise the informationcannot be sent to the loghost correctly.Set informationsource- You can define which modules andinformation to be sent out and thetime-stamp format of information, andso on. You must turn on the Switch ofthe corresponding module beforedefining output debugginginformation.Loghost Refer toconfiguration casesfor related log hostconfiguration- -Device Configuration Default Value Configuration DescriptionSwitch Enable info-center By default, info-centeris enabled.Other configurations are valid onlyif the info-center is enabled.Set the information outputdirection to Console- -Set information source - You can define which modulesand information to be sent outand the time-stamp format ofinformation, and so on. You mustturn on the Switch of thecorresponding module beforedefining output debugginginformation.Enable terminal displayfunction- You can view debugginginformation after enablingterminal display function