156 CHAPTER 7: IP S ERVICES COMMANDSExamples — To display the offset from UTC, type the followingcommand:WX4400# display timezoneTimezone set to 'pst', offset from UTC is -8 hoursSee Also clear summertime on page 135 clear timezone on page 136 display summertime on page 154 display timedate on page 155 set summertime on page 191 set timedate on page 193 set timezone on page 194ping Tests IP connectivity between a wireless LAN switch and another device.MSS sends an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) echo packet tothe specified WX switch and listens for a reply packet.Syntax — ping host [count num-packets ] [dnf] [flood][interval time] [size size] [source-ip ip-addr | vlan-name] host — IP address, MAC address, hostname, alias, or user to ping. count num-packets — Number of ping packets to send. You canspecify from 0 through 2,147,483,647. If you enter 0, MSS pingscontinuously until you interrupt the command. dnf — Enables the Do Not Fragment bit in the ping packet to preventthe packet from being fragmented. flood — Sends new ping packets as quickly as replies are received, or100 times per second, whichever is greater.Use the flood option sparingly. This option creates a lot of traffic and canaffect other traffic on the network. interval time — Time interval between ping packets, inmilliseconds. You can specify from 100 through 10,000. size size — Packet size, in bytes. You can specify from 56 through65,507.