clear security acl map 447WX4400# display security acl info allACL information for allset security acl ip acl_133 (hits #1 0)---------------------------------------------------------1. deny IP source IP destination IP anyset security acl ip acl_134 (hits #3 0)---------------------------------------------------------1. permit IP source IP destination IP any enable-hitsset security acl ip acl_135 (hits #2 0)---------------------------------------------------------1. deny IP source IP destination IP any enable-hitsWX4400# clear security acl acl_133WX4400# commit security acl acl_133configuration acceptedWX4400# display security acl info allACL information for allset security acl ip acl_134 (hits #3 0)---------------------------------------------------------1. permit IP source IP destination IP any enable-hitsset security acl ip acl_135 (hits #2 0)---------------------------------------------------------1. deny IP source IP destination IP any enable-hitsSee Also clear security acl map on page 447 commit security acl on page 449 display security acl info on page 452 set security acl on page 459clear security aclmapDeletes the mapping between a security ACL and a virtual LAN (VLAN),one or more physical ports, or a virtual port. Or deletes all ACL maps toVLANs, ports, and virtual ports on a WX switch.Security ACLs are applied to users or groups dynamically via the Filter-Idattribute. To delete a security ACL from a user or group in the local WXdatabase, use the command clear user attr, clear mac-userattr, clear usergroup attr, or clear mac-usergroup attr. To delete asecurity ACL from a user or group on an external RADIUS server, see thedocumentation for your RADIUS server.