display igmp 425TTL Number of seconds before this entry ages out if notrefreshed. For static multicast router entries, thetime-to-live (TTL) value is undef. Static multicast routerentries do not age out.Group IP address of a multicast group. The display igmpreceiver-table command shows the same information asthese receiver fields.Port Physical port through which the WX can reach the group’sreceiver.Receiver-IP IP address of the client receiving the group.Receiver-MAC MAC address of the client receiving the group.TTL Number of seconds before this entry ages out if the WXdoes not receive a group membership message from thereceiver. For static multicast receiver entries, the TTL valueis undef. Static multicast receiver entries do not age out.Querier information Information about the subnet’s multicast querier. If thequerier is another WX switch, the fields described beloware applicable. If the querier is the WX itself, the outputindicates how many seconds remain until the next generalquery message. If IGMP snooping does not detect aquerier, the output indicates this. The display igmpquerier command shows the same information.Querier for vlan VLAN containing the querier. Information is listedseparately for each VLAN.Querier-IP IP address of the querier.Querier-MAC MAC address of the querier.TTL Number of seconds before this entry ages out if the WXdoes not receive a query message from the querier.IGMP vlan memberportsPhysical ports in the VLAN. This list includes all networkports configured to be in the VLAN and all ports MSSdynamically assigns to the VLAN when a user assigned tothe VLAN becomes a receiver. For example, the list caninclude a MAP access port that is not configured to be inthe VLAN when a user associated with the 3Com WirelessLAN Managed Access Point AP2750 on that port becomesa receiver for a group. When all receivers on a dynamicallyadded port age out, MSS removes the port from the list.IGMP static ports Static receiver ports.IGMP statistics Multicast message and packet statistics. These are thesame statistics displayed by the display igmp statisticscommand.Table 75 Output for display igmp (continued)Field Description