1MRS 752263-MUM Motor protection RelayTechnical Reference ManualREM 610174.1.1.9. Disturbance recorderREM 610 includes an internal disturbance recorder which records the momentarymeasured values, or the RMS curves of the measured signals, and up to eight user-selectable digital signals: the digital input signals and the internal signals from theprotection stages. Any digital signal can be set to trigger the recorder on either thefalling or rising edge. HMIThe HMI of REM 610 is equipped with six push-buttons, an alphanumeric2x16 charactersí LCD, eight programmable indicator LEDs, three indicator LEDswith fixed functionality, and an indicator LED for front communication. Thepush-buttons are used for navigating in the menu structure and for adjusting settingvalues.An HMI password can be set to protect all user-changeable values from beingchanged by an unauthorised person. The HMI password will remain inactive andwill thus not be required for altering parameter values until the default HMIpassword has been replaced. Entering the HMI password successfully can beselected to generate an event code. This feature can be used to indicate interactionactivities via the local HMI. For further information on the HMI, refer to theOperatorís Manual. Non-volatile memoryREM 610 can be configured to store various data in a non-volatile memory, whichwill retain its data also in case of loss of auxiliary voltage (provided that the batteryhas been inserted and is charged). Operation indication messages and LEDs, thenumber of motor start ups, disturbance recorder data, event codes and recorded datacan all be configured to be stored in the non-volatile memory whereas setting valueswill always be stored in the EEPROM. Self-supervisionThe self-supervision system of REM 610 manages run-time fault situations andinforms the user about an existing fault.When the self-supervision system detects a permanent internal relay fault (IRF),which will prevent relay operation, the green indicator LED (ready) will start toblink. At the same time the self-supervision alarm relay (also referred to as the IRFrelay), which is normally picked up, will drop off and a fault code will appear on theLCD. The fault code is numerical and identifies the fault type. Fig. Permanent IRF