1MRS 752263-MUM Motor protection RelayTechnical Reference ManualREM 610614.1.12. Communication portsREM 610 is provided with an optical communication port (infrared) on the frontpanel. Rear communication is optional and requires a communication module,which can be provided with either a fibre-optic, combined fibre-optic (plastic andglass) or RS-485 connection. The relay is connected to an automation system via therear connection. The optional rear communication module allows the use of eitherthe SPA bus, IEC 60870-5-103 or Modbus communication protocol.For further information on optional rear communication module connections, referto section Serial communication connections.FrConREM610_bFig. 4.1.12.-1 Front connection (1) for local communicationThe relay is connected to a PC used for local parameterization via the infrared porton the front panel. The front connection allows the use of the SPA bus protocol only.The optical front connection galvanically isolates the PC from the relay. The frontconnection can be used in two different ways: wirelessly using a PC compatible tothe IrDA Standard specifications or using a specific front communication cable(ABB art. no 1MRS050698). The cable is connected to the serial RS-232 port of thePC. The optical stage of the cable is powered by RS-232 control signals. The cablehas a fixed baud rate of 9.6 kbps.The following serial communication parameters are to be set for RS-232:ï Number of data bits 7ï Number of stop bits 1ï Parity evenï Baud rate 9.6 kbpsRelay data such as events, setting values and all input data and memorized valuescan be read via the front communication port.When setting values are altered via the front communication port, the relay willcheck that the entered parameter values are within the permitted setting range. If anentered value is too high or too low, the setting value will remain unchanged.REM 610 has a counter which can be accessed via COMMUNICATION underCONFIGURATION in the HMI menu. The counter value is set to zero when the relayreceives a valid message.