981MRS 752263-MUMMotor Protection RelayTechnical Reference ManualREM 610If the fault has not disappeared on expiration of the filter time of eight seconds, allinputs will automatically be set out of operation to indicate a hardware fault. Shouldthe fault later disappear, the inputs will be re-enabled. This will prevent most suddenhardware faults from affecting the measured value.To ensure that the specified measurement accuracy is achieved, a more thorough testof the hardware will be performed as part of the continuous self-calibrationprocedure to identify errors which degrade the measurement accuracy. If theself-calibration of the RTD module fails, all inputs will automatically be set out ofoperation to indicate a hardware fault. Should the self-calibration later succeed, theinputs will be re-enabled.Additionally, a single input will be set out of operation if the measured value isoutside the specified limits (-4%...104%) or if an open-loop or a short-circuitcondition is detected.4.1.17. Relay parameterizationLocal parameterizationThe parameters of the relay can be set either locally via the HMI or externally viaserial communication with the Relay Setting Tool. When the parameters are setlocally, the setting parameters can be chosen via the hierarchical menu structure.The desired language can be selected for parameter descriptions. Refer to theOperatorís Manual for further information.External parameterizationThe Relay Setting Tool is used for parameterizing the relay units. Adjusting theparameter values using the Relay Setting Tool is done off-line, after which theparameters can be downloaded to the relay via a communication port.4.2. Design description4.2.1. Input/output connectionsAll external circuits are connected to the terminals on the rear panel of the relay.Terminals X2.1-_ are dimensioned for one 0.5...6.0 mm2 wire or for two max2.5 mm2 wires and terminals X3.1-_ and X4.1-_ for one 0.2...2.5 mm2 wire or fortwo 0.2...1.0 mm2 wires.The energizing phase currents of REM 610 are connected to terminals X2.1/1-2,X2.1/3-4 and X2.1/5-6 (see table 4.2.1-1). The relay can also be used in single ortwo-phase applications by leaving one or two energizing inputs unoccupied.The energizing earth-fault current of REM 610 is connected to terminals X2.1/7-8(see table 4.2.1-1).The input terminals of the optional RTD module are located on connection socketX3.1. The RTD sensors or thermistors are connected to terminals X3.1/7-24 (seetable 4.2.1-6). Both the inner and the outer shield of the cable must be connected tothe chassis earth screw between connectors X4.1 and X3.1 (lower screw). Inaddition, the outer shield must be connected to chassis earth at the other end of thecable as well.