1MRS 752263-MUM Motor protection RelayTechnical Reference ManualREM 61035The CBFP will not be triggered in case of:ï an alarm or a trip of the thermal protection stageï an alarm or a trip a temperature stageï a trip of the phase reveral stageï an external tripThe CBFP can also be selected to be triggered by applying a digital input signal tothe relay. In this case, the CBFP will generate a trip signal via output PO2 if thecurrent has not been cut off on expiration of the set operate time. External triggeringwill be inhibited when all phase currents fall below 12 per cent of the FLC of themotor, i.e. at standstill.Internal triggering is selected by activating the CBFP in SGF and external triggeringby activating the CBFP in SGB. Both triggering options can be selected at the sametime.Normally, the CBFP controls the upstream circuit breaker. However, it can also beused for tripping via redundant trip circuits of the same circuit breaker, provided thatthe circuit breaker has two trip coils. Temperature protection (optional)The temperature protection detects too high temperatures in motor bearings andwindings, for instance, measured either using RTD sensors or thermistors.The optional RTD module includes six inputs divided into two groups: RTD1...3form ThA and RTD4...6 ThB. Inputs RTD1 and RTD4 can also be used withthermistors.The inputs of ThA can be used for measuring the stator temperature and those ofThB for measuring bearing temperatures and the ambient temperature, for instance.Each RTD input can be set out of operation. This state will be indicated by dasheson the LCD and by ì-999î when parameters are read via the SPA bus. When RTDsensors/thermistors are not in use, dashes will be shown on the LCD and ì-999î/î999î when parameters are read via serial communication.Note!All RTD inputs will automatically be set out of operation when the self-supervisionof the RTD module has detected a fault.Temperature protection using RTD sensorsAn alarm value, Ta1...6>, and a trip value, Tp1...6>, are set for each input separately.When one or several measured temperatures exceed their set alarm values, Ta1...3>/Ta4...6>, stage ThA/ThB will generate an alarm signal on expiration of the setoperate time. When one or several measured temperatures exceed their set tripvalues, Tp1...3>/Tp4...6>, stage ThA>/ThB> will generate a trip signal onexpiration of the set operate time.The alarm signal from ThA>/ThB> will be reset in 800 ms after the temperatureshave fallen below their respective set alarm values (Ta1...3>/Ta4...6>) and the tripsignal in 800 ms after the temperatures have fallen below their respective set tripvalues (Tp1...3>/Tp4...6>).