1MRS 752263-MUM Motor protection RelayTechnical Reference ManualREM 610394.1.4.12. SettingsThere are two alternative setting groups available, setting groups 1 and 2. Either ofthese setting groups can be used as the actual settings, one at a time. Both groupshave their related registers. By switching between the setting groups, a whole groupof settings can be changed at the same time. This can be done in any of the followingways:Group configuration:ï via the HMIï entering parameter V150 via serial communicationGroup selection:ï switching between group 1 and group 2 is accomplished by means of a digitalinputNote!Switching between setting groups through group selection has higher priority thanthrough group configuration.The setting values can be altered via the HMI or with a PC provided with the RelaySetting Tool.Before the relay is connected to a system it must be assured that the relay has beengiven the correct settings. If there is any doubt, the setting values should be read withthe relay trip circuits disconnected or tested with current injection; refer to sectionCheck lists for additional information.Table Setting valuesSetting Description Setting range Default settingPU scale Protected unit scaling factor 0.50...2.50 1) 1t6x Safe stall time 2...120 s 2) 2 sp Weighting factor 20...100% 50%Kc Time constant multiplier 1...64 1θa> Prior alarm level 50...100% 95%θi> Restart inhibit level 20...80% 40%Tamb Ambient temperature 0...70∞C 40∞CIs>/In Start-up current for motor or startvalue of stage Is>1.00Ö10.0 x In 1.00 x Ints> Start-up time for motor or operatetime of stage Is>0.30...80.0 s 0.30 sI>>/In Start value of stage I>> 0.50...20.0 x In 1.00 x Int>> Operate time of stage I>> 0.05...30.0 s 0.05 sI0>/In Start value of stage I0> 1.0...100% In 1.0% Int0> Operate time of stage I0> 0.05...300 s 0.05 sIn Start value of stage I< 30...80% In 50% Int< Operate time of stage I< 2...600 s 2 sI2>/In Start value of stage I2> 0.10Ö0.50 x In 0.20 x InK2 Time constant of stage I2> at IDMTcharacteristic5...100 5