1MRS 752263-MUM Motor protection RelayTechnical Reference ManualREM 610971) May be corrected by formatting to the factory setting.2) All settings will be zero during the fault.For further information on internal relay faults, refer to the Operatorís Manual.WarningsIn case of a warning, the relay will continue to operate except for those protectionfunctions possibly affected by the fault, and the green indicator LED (ready) willremain lit as during normal operation. Further, a fault indication message, whichdepending on the type of fault includes a fault code, will appear on the LCD. If morethan one type of fault occur at the same time, one single numeric code whichindicates all the faults will be displayed. The fault indication message cannot bemanually cleared but will disappear with the fault.When a fault appears, the fault indication message is to be recorded and stated whenordering service. The fault codes are listed in the following table:Table 4.1.16-2 Warning codesFault Weight valueBattery low 1Trip-circuit supervision 1) 2Power supply module temperature high 4Communication module faulty or missing 8RTD module faulty 16Temperature sensor range error 32Sensor circuit open or shorted (RTD1) 64Sensor circuit open or shorted (RTD2) 128Sensor circuit open or shorted (RTD3) 256Sensor circuit open or shorted (RTD4) 512Sensor circuit open or shorted (RTD5) 1024Sensor circuit open or shorted (RTD6) 2048Thermistor circuit open or shorted(Thermistor1)4096Thermistor circuit open or shorted(Thermistor2)8192Σ 163831) The external fault warning can be routed to SO2 with SGF1/8.For further information on warnings, refer to the Operatorís Manual. Self-supervision of the RTD moduleEach input sample is validated before it is fed into the filter algorithm. The samplesare validated by measuring an internally set reference voltage immediately after theinputs have been sampled. If the measured offset voltage deviates from the set valueby more than 1.5 per cent from the measuring range, the sample will be discarded.95 Communication module unknown103, 104 Faulty configuration set (for IEC 60870-5-103)131, 139, 195, 203, 222, 223 Internal reference voltage error253 Error in the measuring unitTable 4.1.16-1 IRF codesFault code Type of fault