1MRS 752263-MUM Motor protection RelayTechnical Reference ManualREM 61031Note!If the PU scale has been set to 0.5, the maximum measured rated current (FLC) is 25x In.It is possible to block the tripping of the high-set overcurrent stage by applying adigital input signal to the relay.The high-set overcurrent stage can be set out of operation in SGF3 to prevent thecontactor in a contactor controlled drive from operating at too high phase currents.This state will be indicated by dashes on the LCD and by ì999î when the set startvalue is read via serial communication.Note!When stage I>> starts during motor start up, no start signal will be generated. Undercurrent protectionThe non-directional undercurrent protection detects loss of load, caused by adamaged pump or a broken conveyor, for instance, and can be used in applicationswhere undercurrent is considered a fault condition.When all three phase currents fall below the set start value of stage I<, the stage willgenerate a start signal after a ~ 300 msí start time. When the set operate time elapses,the stage will generate a trip signal. To avoid tripping a de-energized motor, stageI< will be set out of operation when all phase currents fall below twelve per cent ofthe FLC of the motor.The undercurrent stage will be reset in 350 ms after one or several phase currentshave exceeded the set start value of the stage.It is possible to block the tripping of the undercurrent stage by applying a digitalinput signal to the relay.Stage I< can be set out of operation in SGF3. This state will be indicated by dasheson the LCD and by ì999î when the set start value is read via serial communication.Note!When stage I< starts during motor start up, no start signal will be generated. Earth-fault protectionThe non-directional earth-fault current protection detects phase-to-earth currents,caused by ageing and thermal cycling, for instance.When the earth-fault current exceeds the set start value of stage I0>, the stage willgenerate a start signal after a ~ 50 msí start time. When the set operate time atdefinite-time characteristic elapses, the stage will generate a trip signal. The stagecan be given an instantaneous characteristic by setting the operate time to theminimum, i.e. 0.05 s. The earth-fault stage will be reset in 50 ms after theearth-fault current has fallen below the set start value of the stage.It is possible to block the tripping of the earth-fault stage by applying a digital inputsignal to the relay.Stage I0> can be set out of operation in SGF3. This state will be indicated by dasheson the LCD and by ì999î when the set start value is read via serial communication.