561MRS 752263-MUMMotor Protection RelayTechnical Reference ManualREM 610Note!Writing to parameter V53 will reset the number of motor start ups.4.1.8. Monitoring of demand valuesREM 610 provides three different kinds of demand values. The first value shows theaverage current of all three phases measured during one minute. The value isupdated once a minute. The second value shows the average current during anadjustable time range, ranging from 0 to 999 minutes, with an accuracy of oneminute. This value is updated at the expiration of each time range. The third valueshows the highest one-minute average current value measured during the previoustime range. However, if the time range is set to zero, only the one-minute and themaximum demand value will be shown. The maximum value is the highestone-minute mean value since the last reset.The demand values can be set to zero by resetting the relay or throughcommunication using a V parameter. The demand values will also be reset if V105is changed.4.1.9. Commissioning testsThe following two product functions can be used during the commissioning of therelay: function test and digital input test.The function test is used for testing the configuration as well as the connections fromthe relay. By selecting this test, the internal signals from the protection stages, themotor start-up signal, the external trip signal and the IRF function can be activatedone by one. Provided that the signals have been set to be routed to the output contacts(PO1, PO2, PO3, SO1 and SO2) with the switches of SGR1...5, the output contactswill be activated and their corresponding event codes generated when the test is run.However, activation of the internal signals from the protection stages, the motorstart-up signal, the external trip signal and the IRF function will not generate anevent code.The digital input test is used for testing the connections to the relay. The state of thedigital inputs can be monitored via the HMI.Refer to the Operatorís Manual for more detailed instructions on how to perform thetests.4.1.10. Disturbance recorder4.1.10.1. FunctionREM 610 features an integrated disturbance recorder for recording monitoredquantities. The recorder continuously captures the curve forms of the currents aswell as the status of both internal and digital input signals and stores these in thememory.Triggering of the recorder will generate an event code. After the recorder has beentriggered, it will continue to record data for a pre-defined post-triggering time. Anasterisk will be shown on the LCD on completion of the recording. The status of therecording can also be viewed using SPA parameter V246.