Management RTU500 series Remote Terminal UnitFirmware Management2-2 | 1KGT 150 924 V000 1 - ABB AGFigure 8: Configuration File ManagerSend file to deviceWith this button the configuration file can be downloaded to the RTU. First the config-uration file must be dropped into the drop file area. Then the file can be downloadedto the RTU. The downloaded file will become the new base configuration file. It mustbe activated in a next step.Receive file from deviceWith this button the configuration file on the RTU can be uploaded to the PC.Delete fileWith this button the configuration can be deleted.Activate configurationBy selecting this button the base or backup configuration will become the new activeconfiguration.Backup configurationPress this button in the active configuration row to generate a new backup of the ac-tive configuration. The new backup configuration will override an existing backup con-figuration.Table 1: Configuration Management: Operation buttons on the left side of the tables2.2 Firmware ManagementTo navigate to the Firmware-File Manager page, click on "Management" and on "Firmware Manage-ment" in the navigation frame. The different table columns show the properties of the different files.