RTU500 series Remote Terminal Unit Test & SimulationInputs and Outputs view - elements of the user interfaceABB AG - 1KGT 150 924 V000 1 | 4-7Figure 46: Single forcing exampleIt is also possible to simulate a sequence of signals. The checkboxes in the last column are usedwith this purpose. If the user selects multiple checkboxes in different rows (even in different pagesof the grid) and then clicks on any "Simulate", "Se" or "Ex" button, all the selected signals will besimulated sequentially, from top to bottom (Fig. 47). The "All" button at the top of the column selects(or deselects) all checkboxes in the current page of the grid.Figure 47: Multiple forcing exampleA dialog will be prompted before starting a multiple forcing (Fig. 48). This may avoid undesiredsequence simulation.Figure 48: Multiple forcing dialog4.4.2 Multiple simulation intervalIt is possible to specify the time interval between each signal in a multiple simulation sequence. Thistime span is defined by the user in seconds. An interval less than a second is also possible to bedefined (for instance "0.1" seconds).4.4.3 STOP buttonThe user has the possibility to stop a running simulation sequence by clicking on the STOP button.This action will also disable the Test Mode and set the RTU500 back in normal operation.