RTU500 series Remote Terminal Unit ManagementUser ManagementABB AG - 1KGT 150 924 V000 1 | 2-7Figure 14: Change language of the Web server2.5 User ManagementAll modification of user accounts are done via the RTU500 series Web server. In the Web servermenu the link "User Management" is the entry point for the user account management. This link canbe found under the menu item "Management" as shown in the figure below. Due to the sensibleinformation in the user account management the following notice has to be considered.A D V I C EThe web pages of this functionality require secure HTTPS access. It is not possible to open theweb pages with standard HTTP access.Figure 15: Web server menu user account managementThe link starts a user interface to modify the following properties:• Enable or disable functional policies• Enable or disable password policies• Add new or delete existing user accounts• Change user account passwords• Add new or delete existing user roles• Change assignments of user and permissions to/from user rolesThe user interface for the account management consists of several menu tabs. The first 3 menu tabscover the password policies, the user accounts and the user roles. On each tab the correspondinginformation are shown for display and modification.Common for all menu tabs are 2 buttons at the top of each tab. These buttons control the changesdone by the administrator. At startup all control elements are disabled showing the current config-uration. If changes shall be done the administrator just start to access the user interface. Then theboth control buttons get active. After finishing the administrator can accept and store the changes