Test & Simulation RTU500 series Remote Terminal UnitInputs and Outputs view - elements of the user interface4-14 | 1KGT 150 924 V000 1 - ABB AGBesides, when a process information input (SPI, DPI, STI, AMI, DMI, MFI, BSI and ITI) is reconnectedin monitoring direction, Test Mode updates the RTU500 database with the current real value of thesignal. The host systems receive this data update as well, and the Test Mode user interface displaysthe signal's real value as well.Figure 67: Reconnection in both directionsRegarding the visualization of the signals in the Test Mode user interface, the reconnected signals aredisplayed with normal text again (no longer bold and/or green). The "Simulate" button and check-boxes disappear for process information inputs, since it is not possible to simulate an input if thesignal is not disconnected from process.Figure 68: Reconnection in both directions (user interface)4.4.5 Status indicatorThe indicator in the upper left corner of the user interface displays the number of signals that arecurrently disconnected from process, that is, the number of signals which are being simulated. Theindicator is independent of the signals that are currently displayed in the signals grid; it counts thetotal number of signals disconnected from process.If the number of simulated signals is zero, the indicator is black (Fig. 69).Figure 69: No signals simulated