Test & Simulation RTU500 series Remote Terminal UnitTime Administration4-2 | 1KGT 150 924 V000 1 - ABB AG– IEC 61850 startup log:If feature is enabled a detailed log of the IEC 61850 connections will be dumped to the internalfile system of the RTU– PPP logging:This logging functionality is helpful to handle startup and failure diagnostic for resolving Point toPoint Protocol issues. Two ring buffered logfiles are created: syslog and syslog.0 (each limitedto 256 KB). The PPP events logged to these files may be analyzed for failed negotioations be-tween RTU and the other peers e.g. because of wrong password or other parameters.– VPN/E1/E2 logging:These options offer the functionality to capture packets on network interfaces between RTUand remote destinations. All packets sent or received on the interfaces E1, E2 or VPN via PPPare written to a pcap compatible file. That created file can be loaded into Wireshark, which inturn allows analysis of the stream(s) sent and received on the monitored network interface. ForVPN this functionality is helpful to analyze failed IKE negotiations.The developer debug interfaces shall only be activated on special request.For support cases a system information file can be downloaded to a PC. This file is used by theRTU support line to analyze the status of this RTU. The file includes all information visible in the Webserver in a condensed form and the generated PPP/VPN/E1/E2 debug output, so that the user caninvestigate anomalous behavior during initialization and running of PPP/VPN connections betweenRTU and remote peer.4.2 Time AdministrationTo navigate to the Time Administration page, click on "Test & Simulation" and on "Time Administra-tion" in the navigation frame. The Time Administartion page is shown below.Figure 38: System Signaling, Time AdministrationThis feature is available:– the user is connected to a CMU in the state 'Time Administration Master'– the debugging option is generally enabled (see Chapter 2.5.1)