211 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010The program will access the source data using the credentials of the backup plan accountspecified in the General section. Use the following credentialsThe program will access the source data using the credentials you specify. Use this option ifthe plan account does not have access permissions to the location. You might need toprovide special credentials for a network share or a storage node vault.Specify: User name. When entering the name of an Active Directory user account, be sure to alsospecify the domain name (DOMAIN\Username or Username@domain) Password. The password for the account.2. Click OK.Warning: According to the original FTP specification, credentials required for access to FTP servers aretransferred through a network as plaintext. This means that the user name and password can be intercepted byan eavesdropper using a packet sniffer.6.2.10 Backup schemesChoose one of the available backup schemes: Back up now – to create a backup task for manual start and run the task immediately after itscreation. Back up later – to create a backup task for manual start OR schedule one-time task execution inthe future. Simple – to schedule when and how often to backup data and specify retention rules. Grandfather-Father-Son – to use the Grandfather-Father-Son backup scheme. The scheme doesnot allow data to be backed up more than once a day. You set the days of week when the dailybackup will be performed and select from these days the day of weekly/monthly backup. Thenyou set the retention periods for the daily (referred to as "sons"), weekly (referred to as"fathers") and monthly (referred to as "grandfathers") backups. The expired backups will bedeleted automatically. Tower of Hanoi – to use the Tower of Hanoi backup scheme, where you schedule when and howoften to back up (sessions) and select the number of backup levels (up to 16). In this scheme, thedata can be backed up more than once a day. By setting up the backup schedule and selectingbackup levels, you automatically obtain the rollback period – the guaranteed number of sessionsthat you can go back at any time. The automatic cleanup mechanism maintains the requiredrollback period by deleting the expired backups and keeping the most recent backups of eachlevel. Custom – to create a custom scheme, where you are free to set up a backup strategy in the wayyour enterprise needs it most: specify multiple schedules for different backup types, addconditions and specify the retention rules. Initial seeding - to save locally a full backup whose final destination is Acronis Online BackupStorage. Back up now schemeWith the Back up now scheme, the backup will be performed immediately, right after you click theOK button at the bottom of the page.