324 Copyright © Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010Monitoring the deployment progress and resultCreating or updating virtual appliances may take some time. Watch the progress of the operations atthe bottom of the virtual machines' views underneath the Information bar. After a virtual applianceis created and registered, a corresponding group of virtual machines appears on the managementserver.If the deployment completed but the group of virtual machines is missingAccess the virtual appliance console using the vSphere/VMware Infrastructure client and check theagent configuration. Configure the agent manually, if required, as described in "Installing ESX/ESXivirtual appliance." Add the virtual appliance to the management server manually as described in"Adding a machine to the management server (p. 306)." Support for vCenter clustersIn a vCenter cluster, a single Agent for ESX/ESXi backs up virtual machines hosted on all the cluster’shosts.Deploying Agent for ESX/ESXi to a clusterWhen configuring the agent deployment from a management server, you can select a cluster as aregular ESX host. The agent virtual appliance (VA) is deployed to a storage shared by all the cluster’shosts. Normally, this is an NFS share or a SAN-LUN attached to each of the hosts.Let’s assume that the cluster contains three servers. Server 1 uses storages A, B, C, D Server 2 uses storages C, D, E Server 3 uses storages B, C, DThe VA can be deployed to either C or D. If there is no storage shared by all the servers, you canimport the VA manually into any of the hosts. This will work, but backup performance will be far fromoptimal.After deployment, the agent virtual appliance can appear on any of the hosts included in the cluster,depending on how the load balancing is configured.Moving the agent VA around the clusterThe agent’s work is not affected when the Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) migrates the virtualappliance to another host.Creating a cluster of servers that already have agentsIt is recommended that you remove Agents for ESX/ESXi from all but one of the servers. Retain theagent whose VA resides on the shared storage. Restart the VA so that it becomes aware of thecluster.7.1.5 Storage nodesAcronis Backup & Recovery 10 Storage Node helps you to optimize usage of various resourcesrequired for the enterprise data protection. This goal is achieved through organizing managed vaults(p. 406) that serve as dedicated storages of the enterprise backup archives.