Glossary ● 174DDASDirect-attached Storage. Data storage that is physically connected to a server. See also LAN, segmentSee segment.dual drive failure protectionAnother name for a RAID 6 or RAID 60 logical drive.EEmail Notification ManagerA utility within Adaptec Storage Manager that emails event messages to selected recipients. See also emailnotifications, Notification notificationsEvent messages about remote systems that are emailed to selected recipients.eventActivity on your storage space, such as a disk drive failure or logical drive verification.Ffault toleranceThe ability of a system to continue to perform its functions even when one or more disk drives have failed.firmwareA combination of hardware and software; software written onto read-only memory (ROM).formatSee initialize.GGBGigaByte. 1,024 MB. See also MB.HhostA system that’s connected to a TCP/IP network. See also TCP/ bus adapter (HBA)An adapter card that includes all of the I/O logic, software, and processing to manage the transfer ofinformation between the host and the devices it’s connected spaceA RAID 5EE logical drive. See page spareA spare disk drive which will automatically replace a failed disk drive in a logical and replace a failed disk drive in a logical drive without shutting down the server or disruptingactivity on the logical drive.