Chapter 4: Exploring Adaptec Storage Manager ● 45Resize the panels and scroll horizontally or vertically as required, to view more or lessinformation.The Enterprise ViewThe Enterprise View is an expandable tree with one main branch, the Direct Attached Storagebranch, which displays automatically if you selected Direct Attached Storage when youinstalled Adaptec Storage Manager.Under Direct Attached Storage, the Enterprise View lists the local system (the system you’reworking on) and any remote systems with direct attached storage that you have logged in tofrom the local system. (See ‘Local’ or ‘Remote’? on page 26 for more information.)Expand a system in the Enterprise View to the see its controllers.When you select a component in the Enterprise View, the controllers, disk drives, or logicaldrives (“devices”) associated with it appear in the right-hand panel of the window, as shown inthese figures.You can perform most tasks by selecting a controller in the Enterprise View and working withits associated devices in the Physical and Logical Devices Views.By selecting a controller in theEnterprise View......the disk drives (shown above) or enclosures and disk drives(shown below) connected to it and the logical drives created withthose disk drives appear in the Physical and Logical Devices Views.