Code Description04 Condition Met (For Search Data and Pre-Fetch SCSI Commands)10 Intermediate (For Linked SCSI Commands)14 Intermediate Condition Met18 Reservation ConflictWhen this field contains 02 (check condition) and the Sense Information Stored flag(Status Word, bit 9) is set to zero, a state of contingent allegiance exists for the tar-get. All outstanding operations for the associated target queued in the host adapterand/or the target is suspended. Any control blocks for the associated target receivedafter contingent allegiance occurred and before the Read Sense Information com-mand will be accepted and queued by the host adapter, but not executed until the con-dition is cleared. The contingent allegiance condition is cleared by sending a readsense information control block for the associated target. It is also cleared by reset-ting the host adapter or by issuing a bus device reset to the associated target.If the target returns busy status (Code = 08h), the host adapter will retry the com-mand indefinitely. This status will be reported only when the command was abortedby the host while the host adapter was attempting retries.If the target returns queue full status (Code = 28h), the host adapter will queue thecommand internally, therefore, this status will never be reported to the host. If thehost adapter’s internal memory is full, the control block will be rejected with HostAdapter Queue Full status (Status Word, bit 3).Residual Byte CountThe residual byte count is a 32-bit field (least significant byte first) that contains thenumber of bytes that remain to be written from, or read into, the host memory buffermost recently used to transfer data. This field is valid only if the Data Underrun orData Overrun flags (Status Word, bits 1 and 5, respectively) are set to one. If theData Overrun flag is set to one, this field will be set to zero.If Scatter/Gather was enabled for the associated control block, then this field con-tains the number of remaining bytes for the most recently used segment in the Scat-ter/Gather list.If Scatter/Gather was not enabled for the associated control block, then this field con-tains the number of remaining bytes for the entire transfer count specified in thedata length field of the control block.Residual Buffer AddressThe residual buffer address is a 32-bit field (least significant byte first) that containsthe physical host memory address identifying the buffer last read from or written to.This field is valid only if the Data Underrun or Data Overrun flag (Status Word, bits1 and 5, respectively) is set to one.adaptec AHA-1740A/1742A/17446-18