Read Adapter Channel 2 Buffer (Operation Code 1B)After receiving this command, the host adapter expects three outbound informationbytes to be transferred which point to an area of 64 bytes in system RAM. The areapointed to will be used as a buffer to receive 64 bytes of information transferred fromthe host adapter’s channel 2 buffer to the host’s memory using the host adapter’sDMA circuitry. After completing the transfer of the 64 bytes from the channel 2 buff-er to the indicated host memory area, the HACC interrupt will be set indicating nor-mal completion. This command is used in conjunction with the Write Channel 2Buffer command for host adapter diagnostics.Byte 0 Buffer area address, Most significant byteByte 1 Buffer area addressByte 2 Buffer area address, Least significant byteWrite Adapter FIFO Buffer (Operation Code 1C)After receiving this command, the host adapter expects three outbound informationbytes to be transferred which point to an area of 54 bytes in system RAM. The areapointed to will be transferred to the host adapter’s FIFO buffer using the hostadapter’s DMA circuitry. After completing the transfer of the 54 bytes from the indi-cated buffer area to the host adapter, the HACC interrupt will be set indicating nor-mal completion. This command is used in conjunction with the Read Adapter FIFOBuffer command for host adapter diagnostics.Byte 0 Buffer area address, Most significant byteByte 1 Buffer area addressByte 2 Buffer area address, Least significant byteRead Adapter FIFO Buffer (Operation Code 1D)After receiving this command, the host adapter expects three outbound informationbytes to be transferred which point to an area of 54 bytes in system RAM. The areapointed to will be used as a buffer to receive 54 bytes of information transferred fromthe host adapter’s FIFO to the host’s memory using the host adapter’s DMA cir-cuitry. After completing the transfer of the 54 bytes from the FIFO to the indicatedbuffer area, the HACC interrupt will be set indicating normal completion. This com-mand is used in conjunction with the Write Adapter FIFO Buffer command for hostadapter diagnostics.Byte 0 Buffer area address, Most significant byteByte 1 Buffer area addressByte 2 Buffer area address, Least significant byteEISA-to-Fast SCSI Host Adapter Standard Mode Firmware Description5-13