Take into consideration that when using Multicolored DPM Central LED Group to illuminate surfaces where linear machiningflaws are present, the well-lighted area depends on the direction of the machining flaws with respect to the illuminator'sLED sectors, but independent of the reading distance.This characteristic fixes the upper limit of the code dimensions compatible with the use of the Multicolored DPM. In reality,it is an actual limit of the usable part of the field of view. This limit must be taken into consideration during the feasibilityanalysis of the solution, including the eventual positioning variation of the codes with respect to the center of the reader'sfield of view.The arrangement of the LED sectors allows obtaining a well-lighted area even when the direction of the machining flaws ischanged.Refer to the following images for the dimension of lighted area illuminated by the different LED groups.Figure 176. Color Photo of Code32 mm25 mmFigure 177. Multicolored DPM Peripheral LEDGroup26 mmFigure 178. Multicolored DPM Central LED Group13.2.3 ABR 7000 ApplicationsThe following examples show the use of the illuminator models described in this manual.Linear Machining FlawsTo better understand the advantages of using the Multicolored DPM in DPM applications where linear machining flaws arepresent on the part surfaces, see the example below. In the example, Data Matrix codes are marked using dot peening ontometal surfaces having evident machining flaws previously produced by machine tools.Dot Peening on a Flat Surface with Vertical Streak-like Processing Flaws Produced by Machining ToolsFigure 179. Color Photo of CodeABR 7000 Series Barcode Reader134 www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767