16 GlossaryAAIM(Association for Automatic Identification andMobility): AIM Global is the international tradeassociation representing automatic identification andmobility technology solution providers.AIM DPM Quality GuidelineStandard applicable to the symbol qualityassessment of direct part marking (DPM) performedin using two-dimensional barcode symbols. It definesmodifications to the measurement and grading ofseveral symbol quality parameters.BBarcodes (1D Codes)A pattern of variable-width bars and spaces whichrepresents numeric or alphanumeric data in machine-readable form. The general format of a barcodesymbol consists of a leading margin, start character,data or message character, check character (if any),stop character, and trailing margin. Within thisframework, each recognizable symbology uses itsown unique format.BIOSBasic Input Output System. A collection of ROM-based code with a standard API used to interfacewith standard PC hardware.BitBinary digit. One bit is the basic unit of binaryinformation. Generally, eight consecutive bitscompose one byte of data. The pattern of 0 and 1values within the byte determines its meaning.Bits per Second (bps)Number of bits transmitted or received per second.Bright Field IlluminationLighting of surfaces at high (narrow) angles used toprovide maximum reflection of the light to thereader’s lens. This is effective on surfaces thatabsorb light or are not highly reflective and also onlow contrast codes.ByteOn an addressable boundary, eight adjacent binarydigits (0 and 1) combined in a pattern to represent aspecific character or numeric value. Bits arenumbered from the right, 0 through 7, with bit 0 thelow-order bit. One byte in memory can be used tostore one ASCII character.CComposite SymbologiesConsist of a linear component, which encodes theitem's primary data, and an adjacent 2D compositecomponent, which encodes supplementary data tothe linear component.DDark Field IlluminationLighting of surfaces at wide angles used to avoiddirect reflection of the light into the reader’s lens.Typically this type of lighting is used in DPMsolutions to enhance reflectance of the unevensurface do to the symbol marking technique. It is alsoused with very reflective surfaces.DecodeTo recognize a barcode symbology (for example,Codabar, Code 128, Code 3 of 9, UPC/EAN, etc.)and analyze the content of the barcode scanned.Depth of FieldThe difference between the minimum and themaximum distance of the object in the field of viewthat appears to be in focus.Diffused IlluminationDistributed soft lighting from a wide variety of anglesused to eliminate shadows and direct reflectioneffects from highly reflective surfaces.Direct Part Mark (DPM)A symbol marked on an object using specifictechniques like dot peening, laser etching, chemicaletching, etc.ABR 7000 Series Barcode Reader144 www.bannerengineering.com - Tel: + 1 888 373 6767