SR Flip-FlopInput 1 (Set) Input 2 (Reset) Output0 0 Value remains the same0 1 0 (Reset)1 0 1 (Set)1 1 1 (Set has priority)This block is Set Dominant (Set has priority if both inputsare On).4.8.2 Function BlocksFunction Blocks provide built-in functionality for most common applications in one block. While it is possible to design aconfiguration without any function blocks, using the Function Blocks offers substantial efficiency, ease of use, andimproved functionality.Most Function Blocks expect the corresponding safety input device to be connected to it. The Check List on the leftcreates a notification if any required connections are missing. Depending on the application, some Function Blocks may beconnected to other Function Blocks and/or Logic Blocks.Dual-channel safety input devices have two separate signal lines. Dual-channel signals for some devices are both positive(+24 V dc) when the device is in the Run state. Other devices may have a complementary circuit structure where onechannel is at 24 V dc and the other is at 0 V dc when the device is in the Run state. This manual uses the Run state/Stopstate convention instead of referring to a safety input device as being On (24 V dc) or Off (0 V dc).Bypass BlockDefault Nodes Additional Nodes NotesINBP -When the BP node is inactive, the safety signal simply passes through the Bypass Block. When the BPnode is active, the output of the block is On regardless of the state of the IN node. The Bypass Blockoutput turns Off when the bypass timer expires.M0:SO1A1 OutputM0:BP1BypassFunction BlockFigure 16. Timing Diagram—Bypass BlockBypass Time Limit—a bypass function time limit must be established to limit how long the safety input device bypass isactive. The time limit can be adjusted from 1 second to 12 hours and cannot be disabled. Only one time limit can be set,and this limit will apply to all safety devices that are bypassed. At the end of the time limit, the safety output controlauthority is transferred back to the bypassed safety input devices.Two-Hand Control Bypassing—the Safety Controller issues a Stop signal if a Two-Hand Control input is actuated whilethe input is being bypassed. This ensures that the operator does not mistakenly assume that the Two-Hand Control isfunctional; unaware that the Two-Hand Control is bypassed and no longer providing the safeguarding function.XS/SC26-2 Safety Controller26