CAUTION: Adjustable Valve Monitoring (AVM) OperationWhen an input is configured with automatic reset logic and is quickly cycled (from Run to Stop to Run),the Safety Output(s) will not turn ON until the AVM input is satisfied. This could result in an On-Delay up to the configured AVM monitoring time.The user is responsible to make sure that the AVM monitoring time is properly configured forthe application and to instruct all individuals associated with the machine about thepossibility of the On-Delay effect, which may not be readily apparent to the machine operatoror other personnel.6.5 Non-Safety Input DevicesThe non-safety input devices include manual reset devices, On/Off switches, mute enable devices, and cancel delay inputs.Manual Reset Devices are used to create a reset signal for an output or function block configured for a manual reset,requiring an operator action for the output of that block to turn on.WARNING: Non-Monitored ResetsIf a non-monitored reset (either latch or system reset) is configured and if all other conditionsfor a reset are in place, a short from the Reset terminal to +24 V will turn On the safetyoutput(s) immediately.ON/Off Switch: provides an On or Off command to the machine. When all of the controlling safety inputs are in the Runstate, this function permits the safety output to turn On and Off. This is a single-channel signal; the Run state is 24 V dcand the Stop state is 0 V dc. An On/Off input can be added without mapping to a safety output, which allows this input tocontrol only a status output.Mute Enable Switch: signals the Controller when the mute sensors are permitted to perform a mute function. When themute enable function is configured, the mute sensors are not enabled to perform a mute function until the mute enablesignal is in the Run state. This is a single-channel signal; the enable (Run) state is 24 V dc and the disable (Stop) state is 0V dc.Cancel Off-Delay Devices: provide the option to cancel a configured Off-delay time. It functions in one of the followingways:• Keeps the safety output On• Turns the safety output Off immediately after the Controller receives a Cancel Off-Delay signal• When Cancel Type is set to "Control Input", the output stays on if the input turns On again before the end of thedelayA status output function (Output Delay in Progress) indicates when a Cancel Delay Input can be activated in order to keepthe Off-delayed safety output On.Table 3: Cancel Off-Delay TimingOff DelayTime Limit1Note 1 - If “turn output off” function is selectedSafety InputsCancel Delay InputSO1Figure 61. Safety Input remains in Stop mode0.5 sec.Safety InputsCancel Delay InputSO1Off DelayTime LimitFigure 62. Turn Output Off functionXS/SC26-2 Safety Controller83