4.19 Sample ConfigurationExternalDeviceMonitoring(EDM)ExternalDeviceMonitoring(EDM)ExternalDeviceMonitoring(EDM)GateSwitchOptical Sensor (x3)Emergency StopOn/Off SwitchEnabling DeviceManual ResetSafetyOutputDevicesMute Enable (x3)Mute Sensor Pair (x3)GateSwitchFigure 53. Sample Configuration SchematicThe PC Interface provides several Sample Configurations that demonstrate various applications of the Safety Controller. Toaccess these configurations, click New Project/Recent Files and then click Sample Projects. This section describesdesigning a sample configuration for a robotic palletizer application that utilizes an XS26-2 Safety Controller, XS8si SafetyInput Module, three optical sensors (muting is added via the software), two interlock switches, a manual reset, and anEmergency Stop.To design the configuration for this application:1. Click New Project/Recent Files and then click New Project.2. Define project settings. See Project Settings on page 17.3. Select Base Controller model. See Equipment on page 18 (for this configuration, only the Is Expandable box isrequired to be checked).4. Add the expansion module XS8si by clicking on to the right of the Base Controller module.a. Click Input Modules.b. Select XS8si.5. Add the following inputs, leaving the default settings:Input Quantity Type Module Terminals CircuitEmergency Stop 1 Safety Input XS8si IO1, IN1, IN2 Dual Channel 3 terminalEnabling Device 1 Safety Input XS8si IO1, IN3, IN4 Dual Channel 3 terminalExternal DeviceMonitoring 3 Safety Input Base1. IO32. IO43. IO5Single-Channel 1 terminalGate Switch 2 Safety Input Base 1. IO1, IN15, IN162. IO2, IN17, IN18 Dual Channel 3 terminalManual Reset 1 Non-SafetyInput XS8si IN6 Single-Channel 1 terminalMuting Sensor Pair 3 Safety Input Base1. IN9, IN102. IN11, IN123. IN13, IN14Dual-Channel 2 terminalMute Enable 3 Non-SafetyInput Base1. IN12. IN23. IO8Single Channel 1 terminalOn-Off 1 Non-SafetyInput XS8si IN5 Since-Channel 1 terminalOptical Sensor 3 Safety Input Base1. IN3, IN42. IN5, IN63. IN7, IN8Dual-Channel PNP6. Go to the Functional View.XS/SC26-2 Safety Controller60