SPECTRUM Model TypeIntroduction Cisco Catalyst 5000/5500 Hub1-2 Management Module GuideThe Catalyst 5500 is a 13 slot chassis that serves as a high-end switchingplatform. Depending on the modules installed, the Catlayst 5500 can be usedin backbone applications as a scaleable Fast Ethernet or ATM switch. TheCatalyst 5500 also supports switched Ethernet, Token Ring and ATM modulesas well as existing Catalyst 5000 and LightStream 1010 modules.SPECTRUM Model TypeSPECTRUM allows you to monitor and manage network devices such as hubs,routers, and switches through software models (see the Administrator’sReference for Modeling Instructions) of these devices and their associatedapplications. The models you create reside in the SpectroSERVER database,where they are updated continually with information gathered by polling theactual devices.Models are represented visually by icons that appear in various views inSpectroGRAPH. Icons representing devices provide at-a-glance, color-codedstatus information. Both device icons and application icons also providemouse-click access to other views that contain detailed configuration andperformance information.SPECTRUM management modules are software packages that providetemplates for creating software models of particular devices or families ofdevices. Management modules also include templates for modeling theapplications supported by these devices. Each template, called a model type,specifies attributes that correspond to objects defined in the ManagementInformation Bases (MIBs) that govern the operation of the device orapplication to be modeled.The model type names for the Cisco Catalyst 5000/5500 Hubs are:• HubCat5000• HubCat5500Refer to the How to Manage Your Network with SPECTRUM guide formodeling instructions.NOTEThe Catalyst 5500 does not have management support for LightStreamboards. To manage these boards the Cisco Lightstream 1010 must beinstalled in slot number 13 of the Catalyst 5500 chassis.