Device Events and AlarmsEvent and Alarm Messages Cisco Catalyst 5000/5500 Hub4-4 Management Module GuideCsEvFormat/Event011c0006{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} - Device{m} of Type {t} reported Aconfiguration revision number errornotification which signifies that adevice has incremented itsvtpConfigRevNumberErrorscounter. Generation of thisnotification is suppressed if the vtpNotificationsEnabled hasthe value ‘false’. The device mustthrottle the generation of consecutivevtpConfigRevNumberErrornotifications so that there is at least afive-second gap between notification ofthis type. When notification arethrottled, they are dropped, notqueued for sending at a future time.(Note that ‘generating’ a notificationmeans sending to all configuredrecipients.managementDomainConfigRevNumber = { I 1 }. (Event [{e}]).No probable cause message.CsEvFormat/Event011c0007{d “%w- %d %m-, %Y - %T”} - Device{m} of Type {t} reported Aconfiguration digest error notificationwhich signifies that a device hasincremented itsvtpConfigDigestErrors counter.Generation of this notification issuppressed if the vtpNotificationsEnabled has the value‘false’. The device must throttle thegeneration of consecutivevtpConfigDigestError notifications sothat there is at least a five-second gapbetween notification of this type.When notification are throttled, theyare dropped, not queued for sendingat a future time. (Note that‘generating’ a notification meanssending to all configured recipients.)managementDomainConfigRevNumber = { I 1 }. (Event [{e}]).No probable cause message.Table 4-1. Catalyst Switch Events and Alarms (Continued)Message in the Event Log Alarm ViewProbable Cause Message