9032208 E4 Application View5-13Device Application ViewMonitor Information ViewModuleDisplays the unique integer identifier of the module where this port is located.This number is the same as the slot number in which the module is installed.PortDisplays the unique integer identifier of this port within its module. Thisvalue is determined by the location of the port on the module.ThrottleDisplays the maximum number of broadcast packets per second allowed onthis port. Packets in excess of this limit are dropped. A value of zero indicatesthat unlimited broadcast packets are allowed.Monitor Information ViewTo access the Monitor Information view, do the following:1. Within the Application view, highlight the Catalyst Stack Application icon.2. From the Icon Subviews menu, select Monitor.This view provides the following information:Source ModuleDisplays the unique integer identifier of the module where the monitoringsource port is located. A value of zero indicates that the source port is really asource Virtual LAN number.Source PortDisplays the unique integer identifier of the monitoring source port within itsmodule or the monitoring source virtual LAN.Destination ModuleDisplays the unique integer identifier of the module where the monitoringdestination port is located.Destination PortDisplays the unique integer identifier of the monitoring destination portwithin its module.Allows you to select the type of packets that will be monitored at the sourceport. Possible selections are: Transmit, Receive, and TransmitReceive.Indicates whether port monitoring is in progress. Choosing Enabled beginsport monitoring. Choosing disabled ends port monitoring.DirectionEnable